07545 211396
We focus on leadership and management, coaching and wellbeing -to drive competitive edge in business. The team at Sisson Associates work with clients across the UK and Europe, building our reputation on the depth of our expertise and our constant focus on high quality client care.
We have a fantastic, enthusiastic, professional and knowledgeable team of trainers and coaches, who work closely with you to ensure the best possible service is provided, from your first interaction with us to the delivery of your solution and beyond.
We spend quality time with you building a great relationship, to enable your needs and objectives to be fully explored together, ensuring your outcomes are delivered.
We bring innovation and creativity, based on over 25 years’ experience across all sectors, continually ‘sharpening the saw’ to challenge our approach.
An experienced and highly qualified leadership development coach and trainer, Mary has over 25 years’ experience working with a wide variety of size and sector clients across Europe.
A passion for developing sustainable, great leadership practices, encouraging senior leaders to be the best version of themselves, Mary integrates a wellbeing focus within her design of leadership solutions, specifically around the subject areas of mindfulness, resilience and burnout. Mary was involved in the latest research project completed by Ashridge Business School, examining the positive impact mindfulness can have on leadership effectiveness.
Mary’s original Masters research focused on creating a sustainable coaching culture across corporate organisations, having worked with her model in JCB, Saint-Gobain, Sodexo and DS Smith. This model and associated application into the Housing Sector was presented to the European Mentoring and Coaching Council at the annual Research Conference in Paris.
A Chartered Fellow of the CMI, Mary has been a keen advocate for continuing professional development in leadership and encourages all leaders and managers to challenge themselves to keep up to date with latest thinking around business and leadership skills.
Our Fusion Framework for leadership development is based on 25 years of experience working with many organisations and sectors, training and developing current and future leaders.
Based on reflections of the 70:20:10 model, recharged by a fresh way of thinking, Fusion is a way of reinvigorating traditional leadership design and delivery to meet the exciting opportunities afforded by the 21st century.
The ‘Fusion Framework’ whilst embracing all the best practice of blended learning integrates Accountability, Sustainability, Embeddedness and Flexibility; the essential ingredients for effective, sustainable learning and development – to avoid people saying:
“to avoid people saying the training is great but we fail to use it.”.
We have created this brand new leadership development framework that will encourage new thinking around sustainable and impactful leadership and management development, to apply, test and sustain momentum from each learning experience.
The framework will challenge the way you train and develop your people by providing the appropriate tools, techniques, stimulation and accountability throughout their learning journey. We will co-create an organisational development plan that fuses together interventions and activities, aligned to the needs of your organisation, your people.
Why ‘Fusion’?
Fusion: the process or result of joining two or more things together to form a single entity.
Through the Fusion Framework we will help you identify the development needs of your leadership team and create an organisational plan of development interventions and activities.
It’s time to change the way we develop our leaders…